Dedicated: The Case for Commitment in an Age of Infinite Browsing | 誠品線上

選擇障礙世代: 受困於無限瀏覽模式, 將成為現代最危險的文化病症

作者 皮特.戴維斯
商品描述 Dedicated: The Case for Commitment in an Age of Infinite Browsing:《選擇障礙世代:受困於無限瀏覽模式,將成為現代最危險的文化病症》Mostofushavehadthisexperience:b


內容簡介 選擇障礙世代:為何現代人如此缺乏決心和毅力?如何在無限瀏覽時代中學會專心致志?處在選擇空前自由的時代,為何我們仍然不幸福?★哈佛大學畢業典禮演說,點閱率超過3000萬次!★「21世紀追求幸福和成功的必讀之書。」──暢銷書《給予》作者亞當‧格蘭特★暢銷書《恆毅力》作者安琪拉‧達克沃斯大力推薦「你可能有過這樣的經驗:夜裡,你打開Netflix開始瀏覽,想找部影片來看。你滑過不同的標題,看了幾個預告片,甚至還讀了幾篇評論,但就是無法下定決心要看哪一部電影。三十分鐘就這樣過去了,你仍然在瀏覽,所以你乾脆放棄,你現在已經太累,什麼都不想看了,你決定在此停損,直接睡覺。」以上情境對今日大多數人來說已屢見不鮮。在這個重視多元價值觀的時代,每個人卻都因為選擇過多,而面臨選不出來的糾結。小至每個晚上應該怎麼度過,大至該去哪間公司工作、選哪所學校,或是到底該愛誰、歸屬於哪個團體、該相信什麼。不知不覺,時間就在猶豫不決中浪費掉了……◎選擇障礙有如「無限瀏覽模式」,每個人都深陷其中本書作者皮特‧戴維斯2018年於哈佛大學畢業典禮發表演說「承諾:反主流文化」,他將現代人這種有選擇障礙的文化病定義為「無限瀏覽模式」。戴維斯觀察到現代生活的主要緊繃壓力之一:從休閒活動、約會對象、生涯事業、到用餐的餐廳,整個千禧世代的人都渴望找到最好的,因此不想草率做決定。結果無論工作、戀愛、人生興趣,都只是陷入無止境的旁觀。在這本書中,作者對於無限瀏覽模式提出鞭辟入裡的觀察和見解,讀者將從根源理解自己之所以害怕或無法做出選擇的原因,以及選擇障礙的情況可能導致你真正錯過什麼。◎採取行動──在生命有限的狀況下,選擇追求無限的深度對於無限瀏覽可能帶來的危機,作者提出「承諾」的力量。只有決心投入一件事物,才能把心中願景化為實際的計畫和收穫。書中借鑑歷史文化與個人故事,讀者將逐步改變思維,明白我們可以如何在充滿選擇的時代,安定心中焦慮的錨。最好的時刻就是現在,讓我們學會如何跳出無限瀏覽模式,選定一部電影,在睡著之前看完它。本中文書介出自《選擇障礙世代: 受困於無限瀏覽模式, 將成為現代最危險的文化病症》采實文化事業股份有限公司出版A profoundly inspiring and transformative argument that purposeful commitment and civil engagement can be a powerful force in today’s age of restlessness and indecision.Most of us have had this experience: browsing through countless options on Netflix, unable to commit to watching any given movie—and losing so much time skimming reviews and considering trailers that it’s too late to watch anything at all. In a book inspired by an idea first articulated in a viral commencement address, Pete Davis argues that this is the defining characteristic of the moment: keeping our options open. We are stuck in “Infinite Browsing Mode”—swiping through endless dating profiles without committing to a single partner, jumping from place to place searching for the next big thing, and refusing to make any decision that might close us off from an even better choice we imagine is just around the corner. This culture of restlessness and indecision, Davis argues, is causing tension in the lives of young people today: We want to keep our options open, and yet we yearn for the purpose, community, and depth that can only come from making deep commitments.In Dedicated, Davis examines this quagmire, as well as the counterculture of committers who have made it to the other side. He shares what we can learn from the “long-haul heroes” who courageously commit themselves to particular places, professions, and causes—who relinquish the false freedom of an open future in exchange for the deep fulfillment of true dedication. Weaving together examples from history, personal stories, and applied psychology, Davis’s “insightful without being preachy…guide to commitment should be on everyone’s reading list” (Booklist, starred review)."


作者介紹 Pete DavisPete Davis is a civic advocate from Falls Church, Virginia. He works on projects aimed at deepening American democracy and solidarity. Pete is the cofounder of the Democracy Policy Network, a state policy organization focused on raising up ideas that deepen democracy. In 2015, he cofounded Getaway, a company that provides simple, unplugged escapes to tiny cabins outside of major cities. His Harvard Law School graduation speech, “A Counterculture of Commitment,” has been viewed more than 30 million times.


書名 / Dedicated: The Case for Commitment in an Age of Infinite Browsing
作者 / 皮特.戴維斯
簡介 / Dedicated: The Case for Commitment in an Age of Infinite Browsing:《選擇障礙世代:受困於無限瀏覽模式,將成為現代最危險的文化病症》Mostofushavehadthisexperience:b
ISBN13 / 9781982140908
ISBN10 / 1982140909
EAN / 9781982140908
誠品26碼 / 2682118179007
頁數 / 272
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 21.6X15.2X3.3CM
級別 / N:無
