99道正宗港味的粥粉麵飯 | 誠品線上


作者 陳紀臨/ 方曉嵐
出版社 吳氏圖書股份有限公司
商品描述 99道正宗港味的粥粉麵飯:香港知名料理達人,陳家廚房陳紀臨、方曉嵐夫婦,教你做出正港風味!熟悉的味道、經典的菜式最不平凡的99道粥、粉、麵、飯料理,讓你感受最深的味


內容簡介 香港知名料理達人,陳家廚房陳紀臨、方曉嵐夫婦,教你做出正港風味!熟悉的味道、經典的菜式最不平凡的99道粥、粉、麵、飯料理,讓你感受最深的味覺悸動!廣東人最愛的肉絲炒麵、乾炒牛河,中西合璧的白汁雞皇飯、焗豬排飯,還有東南亞風味的印尼炒飯、新加坡蝦麵……香港知名料理達人,教你做出最道地的經典菜式!粥、粉、麵、飯,是我們生活的一部分,那熟悉的味道,每天就在你我身邊圍繞。作者在書中介紹的99道粥粉麵飯,都是香港最傳統、最受歡迎的菜肴,包括廣東人最愛的肉絲炒麵、乾炒牛河、鹹魚肉片煲仔飯……,中西合璧的白汁雞皇飯、焗豬排飯,還有東南亞地區的越南生牛肉河、印尼炒飯、馬來椰漿飯、新加坡蝦麵、叻沙米線等等。你一定能從中找到愛吃的菜肴,為家人做出貼心的美食。


作者介紹 ■作者簡介陳紀臨、方曉嵐(Kei Lum Chan and Diora Fong)香港著名美食評論家陳夢因的次子及兒媳,為文化食譜書作者、旅遊及飲食專欄作家夫妻檔,傳承陳家兩代的烹飪技巧和知識,對飲食文化不懈的探討和研究。著有暢銷書籍:《真味香港菜》、《在家做江浙菜》、《追源尋根客家菜》、《外婆家的潮州菜》、《天天吃海魚》、《回家吃飯》、《巧手精工順德菜》、《請客吃飯》等。


產品目錄 前言 Foreword 飯 Rice配飯的常備醬料 Sauce forRice海南雞飯 Hainan Chicken Rice 荷葉飯 Rice wrapped in Lotus Leaf 上海菜飯 Shanghai Vegetable Rice 焗豬排飯 Baked Pork Chop Rice 揚州炒飯 Yangzhou Fried Rice 鳯梨雞粒炒飯 Pineapple and Chicken Fried Rice 香蔥肉碎蝦醬炒飯 Fried Rice with Shrimp Paste and Minced Meat 章魚雞粒炒飯 Chicken Fried Rice with Dried Octopus 西炒飯 Fried Rice, Western Style 福建炒飯 Fried Rice, Fujian Style 印尼炒飯 Nasi Goreng 生炒糯米飯 Stir-fried Glutinous Rice 蒜泥中蝦籠仔蒸飯 Steamed Medium Prawns in a Rack 紅蟳米糕 Steamed Crab over Glutinous Rice 香蔥蚵仔焗飯 Rice in a Pot with Pearl Oysters 豉汁白鱔煲仔飯 Rice in a Pot with Eel in Black Bean Sauce 窩蛋牛肉煲仔飯 Egg and Beef Rice in a Pot 海味三寶臘味飯 Steamed Rice with Cured Meat and Dried Sea Food 黃鱔焗飯 Rice with Rice-field Eel in a Pot 魷魚肉餅煲仔飯 Rice in a Pot with Dried Squid and Minced Pork Pie 鹹魚肉片煲仔飯 Rice in a Pot with Pork and Salted Fish 臘腸雞煲仔飯 Rice in a Pot with Chicken and Sausage 豉汁排骨煲仔飯 Rice in a Pot with Sparerib in Black Bean Sauce 生焗田雞飯 Rice in a Pot with Frogs 白汁雞皇飯 Chicken a la King 韓式石頭鍋飯 Dolsot BiBimBap 馬來椰漿飯 Nasi Lemak 西班牙海鮮飯 Paella 俄國牛柳絲飯 Beef Stroganoff 上海粢飯 Shanghai Glutinous Rice Roll 湯粉麵 Noodles in Soup家庭自製各式高湯 All kinds of Homemade Soup 雪菜火鴨絲湯米粉 Rice Vermicelli with Roast Duck 麻油雞麵線 Chicken Cooked in Wine and Sesame Oil + Noodles 蝦球湯麵 Noodle with Prawns 冬菇素湯麵 Noodles with Mushrooms in Vegetable Soup 上海排骨麵 Shanghai Noodles with Pork Chop 上海鱔糊麵 Shanghai Noodles with Stir-fried Rice-field Eel 黃魚煨麵 Noodles with Corvina Fish 嫩雞煨麵 Shanghai Noodles in Chicken Soup 酸辣湯麵 Noodle in Hot and Sour Soup 番茄蛋湯麵 Noodles with Tomato and Egg 西北羊肉燴麵 Noodles with Mutton 大滷麵 Boiled Noodle with Meat Gravy 四川擔擔麵 Dan Dan Noodles 鮮蝦餛飩 Wonton Soup with Shrimp Wontons 上海菜肉餛飩 Wonton, Shanghainese Style 紅油抄手 Wonton in Red Oil, Sichuan Style 台灣紅燒牛肉麵 Beef Noodles, Taiwan Style 新加坡蝦麵 Singapore Prawn Noodles 扎肉檬粉 Vietnamese Vermicelli with Pork Roll 越式生牛肉湯河粉Vietnamese Pho with Beef 叻沙米線 Thick Rice Vermicelli in Laksa Sauce 日式素烏龍麵 Vegetarian Udon, Japanese Style 粉麵 Noodles煎米粉及炒麵底的方法 Pan-fried Rice Vermicelli and Noodles 銀芽肉絲炒麵 Stir-fried Noodles with Shredded Pork and Bean Sprouts 菜心牛肉炒河粉 Pan-fried Rice Noodles with Beef 炒粿條 Fried Flat Rice Noodles 沙茶牛河 Stir-fried Rice Noodle with Shacha Sauce 豉椒牛河 Stir-fried Rice Noodles with Beef and Black Bean Sauce 福建炒米粉 Stir-fried Rice Vermicelli, Fujian Style 乾炒牛河 Stir-fried Rice Noodles with Beef 味菜牛肉絲炒米粉 Stir-fried Rice Vermicelli with Beef 豉油王炒麵 Stir-fried Noodles with Special Soy Sauce 星洲炒米 Stir-fried Vermicelli Singaporean 潮州炒魚麵 Stir-fried Fish Noodles XO辣椒醬炒腸粉 Stir-fried Rice Rolls with XO Chili Sauce 叉燒炒米苔目 Stir-fried Thick rice noodles with BBQ Pork 豬頸肉蒸陳村粉 Steamed Chencun Rice Noodles with Pork Jowl 滑蛋蝦仁煎米粉 Shrimps with Scrambled Eggs over Rice Vermicelli 台式鮪魚米粉 Vermicelli with Tuna 蝦子燴麵 Braised Noodles with Shrimp Roe 潮州煎麵 Pan-fried Chaozhou Noodles 海鮮炒烏龍麵 Stir-fried Udon with Mixed Seafood 上海粗炒 Stir-fried Shanghai Thick Noodles 豉汁排骨蒸腸粉 Steamed Rice Roll with Spareribs in Black Bean Sauce 雞絲涼麵 Cold Noodles with Chicken 港式炸醬麵 Noodles with Spicy Brown Sauce 客家蔥油拌麵 Noodles Mixed with Scallion Oil 豆腐乳豬腳撈麵 Noodle with Pork Knuckles Cooked in Red Bean Curd 乾燒意麵 Braised Yi Noodles 松茸火腿燴意麵 Braised Yi-noodles with Matsutake Mushrooms and Ham 鮮茄肉醬義大利麵 Spaghetti with Meat Sauce 孔雀蛤奶油汁燴義大利麵 Spaghetti with Mussels in Cream Sauce 鮮茄牛舌義大利麵 Beef Tongue with Spaghetti in Tomato Sauce 煙肉蛋黃拌義大利麵 Fettuccini Carbonara 韓式辣醬炒年糕 Stir-fried Glutinous Cake with Korean Hot Sauce 生煎鍋貼 Pot Stickers 粥 Congee怎樣煲粥底 How to Make a Congee Base生滾雞粥 Congee with Chicken薑絲魚腩粥 Congee with Fish Belly生滾田雞粥 Congee with Frogs生滾豬肝魚片粥 Congee with Pork Liver and Fish生滾牛肉片粥 Congee with Beef Slices 生菜鯪魚球粥 Congee with Dace Fish Balls 菜乾豬骨粥 Congee with Dried Cabbage and Spareribs 蚵仔肉碎粥 Pearl Oysters and Minced Pork Congee 荔灣艇仔粥 Congee, Laiwan Style 皮蛋鹹瘦肉粥 Congee with Salted Pork and Preserved Eggs 柴魚花生粥 Congee with Skipjack Tuna and Peanuts 玉米番薯齋粥 Vegetarian Congee with Corn and Sweet Potato 糯米麥粥 Congee with Glutinous Rice and Wheat 小米粥 Congee with Foxtail Millet


書名 / 99道正宗港味的粥粉麵飯
作者 / 陳紀臨 方曉嵐
簡介 / 99道正宗港味的粥粉麵飯:香港知名料理達人,陳家廚房陳紀臨、方曉嵐夫婦,教你做出正港風味!熟悉的味道、經典的菜式最不平凡的99道粥、粉、麵、飯料理,讓你感受最深的味
出版社 / 吳氏圖書股份有限公司
ISBN13 / 9789869171601
ISBN10 / 9869171605
EAN / 9789869171601
誠品26碼 / 2681023179003
頁數 / 224
開數 / 16K
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 94:中 英對照
級別 / N:無
