Welcome to the Museum: A Christmas Pop-Up Advent Calendar | 誠品線上

Welcome to the Museum: A Christmas Pop-Up Advent Calendar

作者 Royal Botanic Gardens Kew
出版社 Templar Company PLC.
商品描述 Welcome to the Museum: A Christmas Pop-Up Advent Calendar:立體聖誕倒數曆裝飾自己的聖誕樹!【WelcometotheMuseum】系列與英國皇家植物園合作,為讀者設計了這本精心


內容簡介 立體聖誕倒數曆 每天認識一個自然界的動植物,親手將小吊飾掛上聖誕樹、也更接近自然。 【Welcome to the Museum】系列與英國皇家植物園合作,為讀者設計了這本精心繪製的美麗聖誕倒數曆。聖誕節前24天將這本書展開,就可以在白雪皚皚的背景中立起書中所附的聖誕樹。背景中有25個小翻頁,每天翻開一個,拿出其中的紙卡裝飾聖誕樹,有松果、冬青葉、橡實等等。月曆裡還有一本28頁的迷你畫冊,裡面有秋冬可以欣賞到的動植物,包括馴鹿、紅知更鳥、梨樹和聖誕紅。別具匠心的設計要讓讀者沉浸在美麗的北歐秋冬氛圍中,開心迎接聖誕。 The perfect gift, spread joy this Christmas with this decadent pop-up advent calendar, part of the bestselling Welcome to the Museum family.In conjunction with the Royal Botanic Gardens Kew, fans of the bestselling Welcome to the Museum series can now countdown to Christmas with this beautiful pop-up advent calendar. Inside, readers will find a beautiful pop-up tree, alongside a 28 page mini booklet detailing all the wonderful flora and fauna there is to discover during the autumn and winter months, from reindeer to red robins, and pear trees to poinsettia.Hidden in compartments beneath it are 25 removable and displayable cardboard ornaments - including pine cones, holly leaves, cinnamon bundles and acorns.This is the ideal sustainable gift, and would look stunning as a centrepiece year after year.


書名 / Welcome to the Museum: A Christmas Pop-Up Advent Calendar
作者 / Royal Botanic Gardens Kew
簡介 / Welcome to the Museum: A Christmas Pop-Up Advent Calendar:立體聖誕倒數曆裝飾自己的聖誕樹!【WelcometotheMuseum】系列與英國皇家植物園合作,為讀者設計了這本精心
出版社 / Templar Company PLC.
ISBN13 / 9781800784369
ISBN10 / 1800784368
EAN / 9781800784369
誠品26碼 / 2682378403003
頁數 / 28
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 35X26X0CM
級別 / N:無
材質 /


最佳賣點 : 英國Welcome to the Museum系列出品,立體聖誕倒數曆,每天認識一個自然界的動植物,親手掛上聖誕樹、也更接近自然。
