Harry Potter: Magical Meditations: 64 Inspirational Cards | 誠品線上

Harry Potter: Magical Meditations: 64 Inspirational Cards

作者 Jody Revenson
出版社 Insight Editions
商品描述 Harry Potter: Magical Meditations: 64 Inspirational Cards:【誠品線上:塔羅牌館】哈利波特魔法奇想訊息卡,在霍格華茲世界尋找靈感與啟發。☆讓《哈利波特》的魔法指


內容簡介 【誠品線上:塔羅牌館】哈利波特魔法奇想訊息卡在霍格華茲世界尋找靈感與啟發☆讓《哈利波特》的魔法指引你——探索自我、擁抱希望、重拾勇氣!想把《哈利波特》的魔法融入日常生活嗎?《哈利波特魔法奇想訊息卡》將會是你最佳的夥伴!這套精美的牌卡組包含 64 張牌卡,每一張都取材自《哈利波特》電影中的重要角色、場景、語錄和主題,給予讀者靈感與啟發。牌卡附精美禮盒,並搭配一本深入探討電影場景和製片靈感來源的指南書,獻給所有喜愛《哈利波特》的粉絲們。產品特色:• 64 張牌卡:每一張都包含問題、啟發、勵志語錄或指引你度過一天的建議。• 內容豐富的指南書: 深入探討《哈利波特》電影中,關於愛、希望與勇氣的相關主題。• 完美禮物:精美禮盒包裝,是送給哈利波特迷的理想禮物。• 官方授權禮盒組: 與華納兄弟娛樂公司 (Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.) 合作出品。Let the wisdom of the Harry Potter films guide you with this card deck and book set featuring quotes, activities, and prompts to help you bring the magic of the Wizarding World to your daily life.This enchantingly designed inspirational card deck features 64 cards, each of which offers the reader a unique question, prompt, or invitation for self-reflection based on the major characters, moments, quotes, and themes of the Harry Potter films. It comes packaged in a decorative gift box with a book that delves deeper into the cinematic moments explored in the cards and the inspiration the filmmakers drew from while creating them. Harry Potter Guided Deck and Book Set is the perfect gift for fans looking to tap into the powerful messages of love, hope, and heroism in the Harry Potter films.INCLUDES 64 CARDS: Each card includes a question, prompt, inspirational quote, or suggestion to help guide your dayFACT-FILLED BOOK: Included book delves deeper into the themes of love, hope, and heroism in the Harry Potter filmsPERFECT GIFT: Packaged in a beautiful gift box, Harry Potter Guided Deck and Book Set is an ideal gift for the Harry Potter fanOFFICIAL WIZARDING WORLD GIFT SET: Created in collaboration with Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.


作者介紹 Jody RevensonJody Revenson has written extensively about the Harry Potter films, with her most recent books being Harry Potter: Spells & Charms: A Movie Scrapbook and Harry Potter: Hogwarts: A Movie Scrapbook. In her first foray into the Wizarding World, she edited and contributed to the New York Times best sellers Harry Potter: Film Wizardry and Harry Potter: Page to Screen.


書名 / Harry Potter: Magical Meditations: 64 Inspirational Cards
作者 / Jody Revenson
簡介 / Harry Potter: Magical Meditations: 64 Inspirational Cards:【誠品線上:塔羅牌館】哈利波特魔法奇想訊息卡,在霍格華茲世界尋找靈感與啟發。☆讓《哈利波特》的魔法指
出版社 / Insight Editions
ISBN13 / 9781647224639
ISBN10 /
EAN / 9781647224639
誠品26碼 / 2682520308002
頁數 / 112
裝訂 / N:無
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 6.25*4.25*1.6英吋
級別 / N:無
提供維修 /


最佳賣點 : 官方正版‧哈利波特魔法奇想訊息卡,在霍格華茲世界尋找靈感與啟發
