The Notebook: A History of Thinking on Paper | 誠品線上

The Notebook: A History of Thinking on Paper

作者 Roland Allen
商品描述 The Notebook: A History of Thinking on Paper:【第一本筆記考,改變世界思維方式的小發明】「如果你的工作與文字相關,筆記可以是媒介,也可以是鏡子。」從達文西、牛頓


內容簡介 第一本筆記考,改變世界思維方式的小發明「如果你的工作與文字相關,筆記可以是媒介,也可以是鏡子。」從達文西、牛頓到阿嘉莎.克莉絲蒂,他們的成就都離不開筆記。筆記無所不在,這發明從何而來?筆記如何革新我們的生活,成為強大創意工具,有助於改變思維?作者娓娓爬梳答案。從中世紀佛羅倫斯的熙攘市場到偉大思想家的寧靜書房,他揭示筆記如何成為最可靠、最彈性的創意思維工具。筆記本的誕生與演變,和人類的書寫史與文明發展息息相關,但首先,讓我們從文具控都聽過的筆記本─Moleskine創立的故事談起...1995年,當文學譯者瑪麗亞‧賽博列貢地(Maria Sebregondi)在知名旅行作家‧《巴塔哥尼亞高原上》作者Bruce Chatwin的書《歌之版圖》(The Songlines)中讀到一段令她感到興趣的故事:作者曾在巴黎古喜劇院街的文具店買到一本他非常喜愛的筆記本,於是他打電話給製造商,決定大量訂購100本,最終卻收到對方回覆表示,印刷廠的兒子決定把廠房賣掉,不打算繼承家業,對方在電話中跟他說:「Le vrai Moleskine n'est plus.」(真正的Moleskine已不復存在。)當時,瑪莉亞的朋友Francesco Francesehi─同時也是禮品製造商Modo & Modo的老闆,與她討論該開發什麼樣的產品,既具有時代象徵性、適合攜帶、又能激發使用者的創意,這個故事給了瑪麗亞靈感,很快的,Moleskine筆記本誕生,設計概念為小開本、好攜帶、多功能,封面全黑。1997年於米蘭開賣至今已遍布全球,成為書寫工具裡的品牌代表,產品除了更加細緻與客制化,並積極和各大IP聯名,甚至和數位筆記Evernote合作,在網路時代依舊走在前線。Moleskine的巨大成功,也成為其他文具品牌仿效的對像,例如德國的Leuchtturm,法國的Rhodia,來自日本的Midori、Hobonichi、Stalogy等。作者Roland Allen於出版業工作,同時也是筆記本愛好者,Moleskine的故事讓他感到非常好奇,在手機與電腦持續攻佔我們日常生活的時代,為什麼像Moleskine這樣的產品依舊受到大量消費者的青睞與需要?在紙上發揮創意、留下著作、插畫或日常紀錄,手寫筆記始終為人類創作與激盪點子帶來力量,他發現,無論是藝術家、平面設計師、甚至是網頁設計師或工程師,都有使用筆記本的習慣,彷彿筆記本和人類創造力間有股奇妙的連結。他進一步思考,筆記本是什麼時候成為人類歷史不可或缺的創意推進器?筆記本在不同領域和產業中,又被拿來如何使用?甚至最根本的問題─筆記本是何時被發明的?他一路爬梳歷史,穿越時空,回到公元前14世紀末的土耳其的兩塊石造書寫板,推測可能是最早的人類筆記紀錄;同一個時代,位於非洲大陸的古埃及文明用莎草發明了更輕盈的書寫媒介─莎草紙,但保存困難;羅馬時代則延續使用莎草紙和成本較高的羊皮紙,而最便宜且方便的紙張,好幾百年後才會從中國傳到歐洲。筆記本的發明與轉變,也因為書寫的型態與內容而變化多端,在藝術家、植物學家、旅行者、氣象觀測員、數學家、政治家、病人日誌、私人筆記、食譜等各式各樣的手寫紀錄裡,揭開一頁頁文明史上不為人知的故事,看見紙本書寫與思考持續帶來的影響,The Notebook has shaped the world for eight hundred years.In medieval Italy, the blank ledger transformed international trade, and enabled the intellectual artistic advances of the Renaissance. At sea, the invention of the logbook expanded horizons on the journeys of Magellan and fellow discoverers. Artists from Leonardo da Vinci to Pablo Picasso, thinkers from Isaac Newton to Albert Einstein, writers from Chaucer to Henry James: all created work forged in their notebooks.In The Notebook: A History of Thinking on Paper, Roland Allen follows a trail of ideas, revealing how the notebook came to be our most durable tool for thinking. He tells the stories of its development through table-books and diaries, common-placing and journaling, and the lives of those who relied upon it: from Darwin hatching the idea of evolution to Clara Nguyen creating a restaurant business from family recipe books. Along the way we meet sailors and fishermen, musicians and engineers, travellers and politicians. We hear how Bruce Chatwin inspired Maria Segrebondi to create the Moleskine, how Agatha Christie plotted a hundred murders and Bob Dylan drafted Blood on the Tracks, how bullet-journaling can combat ADHD and patient diaries ease the traumas of reawakening from a coma.There is a bigger issue, too. In this age of AI and digital overload, a blank notebook and the act of moving a pen across paper can change the way we think.


各界推薦 A notebook is evidence, process and inspiration, and Roland Allen captures it all in this sweeping survey of ideas and inventiveness. For everyone who ever bought a Moleskine and then wondered how to fill it -- Simon GarfieldTransformational ... it's inspiring me to write longhand in a real paper notebook again -- Victoria FinlayA glorious celebration of my all-time favourite object from its earliest incarnations to its funkiest forms. In his always interesting history of thinking on paper, Roland Allen has confected a scintillating cornucopia of notebook miscellany -- Sara Wheeler, author ― Glowing Still


作者介紹 Roland Allen is a publisher and author who lives in Hove. He studied at Manchester University and works in book (and notebook) publishing. He has written about subjects as diverse as bicycles and bread, kept a diary for decades, and enjoys stationery a little too much.


書名 / The Notebook: A History of Thinking on Paper
作者 / Roland Allen
簡介 / The Notebook: A History of Thinking on Paper:【第一本筆記考,改變世界思維方式的小發明】「如果你的工作與文字相關,筆記可以是媒介,也可以是鏡子。」從達文西、牛頓
ISBN13 / 9781788169325
ISBN10 /
EAN / 9781788169325
誠品26碼 / 2682438622009
頁數 / 416
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 23.6*16.2*3.8
級別 / N:無
提供維修 /


最佳賣點 : 一部獻給「紙本書寫」的情書:回顧筆記本的前世今生,穿梭超越3000年的人類書寫史