That's Not My Farm (Special Ed.) | 誠品線上

That's Not My Farm (Special Ed.)

作者 Fiona Watt
商品描述 That's Not My Farm (Special Ed.):英國暢銷兒童作家費歐娜.沃特是英國最大童書出版社Usborne的編輯總監,至今為兒童編寫了數百本書籍。【That'snotmy】也是她的暢銷系列


內容簡介 《這不是我的農場》音效觸摸書刺激聽覺及觸覺的幼兒書英國暢銷兒童作家費歐娜.沃特是英國最大童書出版社Usborne的編輯總監,至今為兒童編寫了數百本書籍。【That's not my】也是她的暢銷系列之一,銷售超過3千萬冊。這本《這不是我的農場》是特殊開本,尺寸較大,書中每一頁的動物都搭配不同質感的材質並配上音效。讓小寶貝動動小指頭摸摸綿羊蓬鬆捲曲的毛、乳牛柔軟的毛,還有小豬沾了土的身體,按下書上的按鈕聽聽牠們發出什麼叫聲。聽故事的同時還可以刺激幼兒的聽覺及觸覺發展。另外,提醒小寶貝要注意觀察喔,每一頁都有一隻小白老鼠呢!Turn the pages to explore the farms with a soft cow, a fluffy sheep and a muddy pig in this larger format touchy feely book. Babies and toddlers will love spotting the familiar little white mouse on every page. Press the sound button on the final page to hear all the animals on the noisy farm.


作者介紹 Fiona WattFiona Watt is an Editorial Director and writer at Usborne Publishing. She graduated from Exeter University with a Bachelor of Education in Art and Design. She taught for three years at a primary school in Kent, before spending two years at a British school in The Netherlands. She started working at Usborne in 1989 and has written and edited hundreds of books including baby and novelty, sticker, art and craft, cookery, science and activity books. She has written all the titles in the award-winning THAT'S NOT MY® series and many in the highly successful Sticker Dolly Dressing series. She is the sixth biggest-selling UK children's author, with over 10 million of her books sold in the UK since records began.


書名 / That's Not My Farm (Special Ed.)
作者 / Fiona Watt
簡介 / That's Not My Farm (Special Ed.):英國暢銷兒童作家費歐娜.沃特是英國最大童書出版社Usborne的編輯總監,至今為兒童編寫了數百本書籍。【That'snotmy】也是她的暢銷系列
ISBN13 / 9781805072515
ISBN10 /
EAN / 9781805072515
誠品26碼 / 2682455476005
頁數 / 10
裝訂 / B:兒童厚紙板書
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 20X20X1
級別 / N:無
材質 / 紙 軟毛
提供維修 /
適用年齡 / 2歲以上


最佳賣點 : Special That's Not My book, bigger size, 5 Sounds + touchy-feely patches!