Rumi: Poet of Joy and Love | 誠品線上

Rumi: Poet of Joy and Love

作者 Rashin Kheiriyeh
商品描述 Rumi: Poet of Joy and Love:即使是最偉大的詩人也有過童年,本書介紹波斯詩人魯米的故事與作品,讓讀者更了解並親近這位13世紀的詩人。:誠品以「人文、藝術、創意、生活


內容簡介 內心充滿喜悅與愛的波斯詩人Rumi 圖畫傳記紀念Rumi逝世750 週年。年幼的Rumi喜歡閱讀,因緣際會,波斯詩人Attar給了Rumi一本關於鳥類詩集,並引導Rumi從中體會詩集的深層意義,他說「有一天你會像太陽一樣自綻光芒」。Rumi後來成為老師。Rumi的好友Shams被迫離開Rumi,難過的Rumi在寫作中找到平靜,於是他張開雙臂跳起薩瑪舞感謝上帝,他不斷地旋轉,旋轉,像鳥一樣輕盈。Rumi體認到:愛就在我們身邊,無所不在。讓愛,成為每個人的朋友。波斯神秘主義者和詩人Rumi魯米是世界上最著名和最廣泛閱讀的詩人之一。 插畫家 Rashin Kheiriyeh 來自伊朗,她透過這本圖畫書紀念Rumi的智慧和溫暖。畫作中強烈的色彩和花草細節,更彷彿帶讀者回到了13 世紀的波斯帝國。“Be a friend to everyone.” Rumi’s words are needed now more than ever. A picture book biography of the renowned Persian poet that introduces children to Rumi’s life and teachings.Even the greatest poet was once a child. And so it was with Rumi. When he was young he was enchanted by birds and books. He later became a scholar, but it was the loss of his best friend, Shams, that inspired Rumi to his most important realization: Love is in us and everywhere.The Persian mystic and poet Rumi is one of the best known and most widely read poets in the world. The renowned illustrator Rashin Kheiriyeh herself comes from Iran. With this picture book she creates a touching memorial to Rumi's wisdom and warmth. The strong colors and ornamental details transport us to the Persian Empire in the 13th century. Yet Rumi's story and his poetry are timeless.Written by award-winning Iranian-American artist Rashin Kheiriyeh,this narrative nonfiction picture book has been published to honor his life and the 750th anniversary of his death.


作者介紹 Rashin KheiriyehRashin Kheiriyeh is a multi-award-winning author-illustrator, animator, and painter who has more than ninety children’s books to her credit. Her books have been published in at least twelve countries and she was nominated for the 2023 & 2024 Astrid Lindgren Memorial Award for outstanding contributions to children’s literature. She is also the recipient of a Sendak Fellowship Award, a 2009 New Horizon Award (Bologna Ragazzi), and is a six-time winner of the Bologna Book Fair Illustration competition. Rashin Kheiriyeh is the character artist of the most popular animation series on national television in Iran called “Shekarestan” (“Sugarland”). She now lives in Washington, DC.


書名 / Rumi: Poet of Joy and Love
作者 / Rashin Kheiriyeh
簡介 / Rumi: Poet of Joy and Love:即使是最偉大的詩人也有過童年,本書介紹波斯詩人魯米的故事與作品,讓讀者更了解並親近這位13世紀的詩人。:誠品以「人文、藝術、創意、生活
ISBN13 / 9780735845442
ISBN10 /
EAN / 9780735845442
誠品26碼 / 2682537399000
頁數 / 40
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 21.6 x 10 x 28 cm
級別 / N:無
提供維修 /


最佳賣點 : 即使是最偉大的詩人也有過童年,本書介紹波斯詩人魯米的故事與作品,讓讀者更了解並親近這位13世紀的詩人。