美國憲法: 基本原則與案例 | 誠品線上

美國憲法: 基本原則與案例

作者 姚思遠/ 范秀羽/ 李劍非
出版社 新學林出版股份有限公司
商品描述 美國憲法: 基本原則與案例:本書特色「美國憲法/基本原則與案例」一書之編纂,係為提供基礎英美法教學與學習之用,內容包括「聯邦司法權」(FederalJudicialPower)、「聯


內容簡介 本書特色 「美國憲法/基本原則與案例」一書之編纂,係為提供基礎英美法教學與學習之用,內容包括「聯邦司法權」(Federal Judicial Power)、「聯邦立法權」(Federal Legislative Power)、「聯邦行政權」(Federal Executive Power)、「聯邦主義及憲法增修條文第10條」(Federalism and the Tenth Amendment)、「人權法案及內戰後增修條文」(The Bill of Rights and the Civil War Amendments)、「法律正當程序」(Due Process of Law)、「法律平等保護原則」(Equal Protection of the Laws)、「言論自由」(Freedom of Speech)、「結社自由及新聞自由」(Freedom of Association and Press)及「宗教自由」(Freedom of Religion)等。 本書之各章節內容主要分為兩大部分,即相關基本原則摘要及重要案例選錄。原則摘要部分為便於入門瞭解,係以中文為之,協助讀者建立對美國憲法之架構性認識,案例部分則係針對章節主題進行節錄編輯,期能協助讀者在具備基本原則認識的前提下,進行實際判決之深入研讀,除理解英美法之相關法律原理原則外,並能學習增進法理論證之能力。


作者介紹 姚思遠東吳大學法學院教授愛荷華大學法學博士美國加州律師范秀羽東吳大學法學院副教授加州大學柏克萊分校法學博士美國紐約州律師/中華民國律師李劍非理律法律事務所合夥人哈佛大學法學碩士中華民國律師


產品目錄 Introduction 1 Chapter 1. Federal Judicial Power 3 Section 1. Judicial Review 3 MARBURY v. MADISON 4 Section 2. Constitutional Interpretation 13 McCULLOCH v. MARYLAND 14 Section 3. Limits on Judicial Review: Political Questions 23 BAKER v. CARR 25 NIXON v. UNITED STATES 29 Section 4. Limits on Judicial Review: Standing 32 ALLEN v. WRIGHT 33 LUJAN v. DEFENDERS OF WILDLIFE 41 Chapter 2. Federal Legislative Power 53 Section 1. The Commerce Clause 53 GIBBONS v. OGDEN 55 WICKARD v. FILBURN 57 UNITED STATES v. LOPEZ 60 UNITED STATES v. MORRISON 70 GONZALES v. RAICH 78 Section 2. Taxing and Spending Powers 91 UNITED STATES v. BUTLER 92 SABRI v. UNITED STATES 95 NATIONAL FEDERATION OF INDEPENDENT BUSINESS v. SEBELIUS 99 BAILEY v. DREXEL FURNITURE CO. 113 Section 3. Necessary and Proper Clause 119 UNITED STATES v. COMSTOCK 120 Chapter 3. Federal Executive Power 137 Section 1. Inherent Presidential Power 137 YOUNGSTOWN SHEET & TUBE CO. v. SAWYER 137 Section 2. Congress’ Delegation 147 A. L. A. SCHECHTER POULTRY CORP. v. UNITED STATES 149 PANAMA REFINING CO. v. RYAN 152 IMMIGRATION AND NATURALIZATION SERVICE v. CHADHA 160 KING v. BURWELL 169 Section 3. War and Foreign Affairs 186 UNITED STATES v. CURTISS-WRIGHT EXPORT CORP. 186 HAMDI v. RUMSFELD 189 Section 4. Executive Privilege 202 UNITED STATES v. NIXON 203 Section 5. Presidential Immunity 208 NIXON v. FITZGERALD 208 CLINTON v. JONES 212 Chapter 4. Federalism and the Tenth Amendment 219 Section 1. The Tenth Amendment 219 UNITED STATES v. DARBY 220 GARCIA v. SAN ANTONIO METROPOLITAN TRANSIT AUTHORITY 223 NEW YORK v. UNITED STATES 239 Section 2. Conditions on Grants to State Governments 253 SOUTH DAKOTA v. DOLE 254 Chapter 5. The Bill of Rights and the Civil War Amendments 263 Section 1. Bill of Rights 264 Section 2. The Civil War Amendments 266 UNITED STATES v. STANLEY (THE CIVIL RIGHTS CASES) 267 Section 3. The Incorporation of the Bill of Rights 275 PALKO v. CONNECTICUT 276 DUNCAN v. LOUISIANA 278 Chapter 6. Due Process of Law 285 Section 1. Procedural Due Process 285 GOLDBERG v. KELLY 286 CLEVELAND BOARD OF EDUCATION v. LOUDERMILL 290 MATHEWS v. ELDRIDGE 293 Section 2. Substantive Due Process: Non-Fundamental Rights 299 LOCHNER v. NEW YORK 301 WILLIAMSON v. LEE OPTICAL CO. 307 KELO v. CITY OF NEW LONDON 310 KOONTZ v. ST. JOHNS RIVER WATER MANAGEMENT DISTRICT 320 ALLIED STRUCTURAL STEEL CO. v. SPANNAUS 328 KAHLER v. KANSAS 334 Section 3. Substantive Due Process: Privacy 340 GRISWOLD v. CONNECTICUT 343 ROE v. WADE 349 PLANNED PARENTHOOD OF SOUTHEASTRN PA. v. CASEY 354 WHOLE WOMAN’S HEALTH v. HELLERSTEDT 369 JUNE MEDICAL SERVICES LLC v. RUSSO 377 LAWRENCE v. TEXAS 380 OBERGEFELL v. HODGES 389 WASHINGTON v. GLUCKSBERG 407 Chapter 7. Equal Protection of the Laws 417 Section 1. Introduction 417 Section 2. Economic and Social Laws—The “Mere Rationality” Test 417 U.S. RAILROAD RETIREMENT BD. v. FRITZ 418 Section 3. Suspect Classifications: Race 425 1. The Unconstitutionality of Racial Segregation 425 BROWN v. BOARD OF EDUCATION 426 2. Racially Discriminatory Purpose and Effect 430 WASHINGTON v. DAVIS 430 3. Affirmative Action and Race Preferences 437 GRUTTER v. BOLLINGER 438 FISHER v. UNIVERSITY OF TAXAS AT AUSTIN (FISHER I) 446 FISHER v. UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT AUSTIN (FISHER II) 449 RICHMOND v. J.A. CROSON CO. 456 Section 4. Suspect Classification: National Origin 470 KOREMATSU v. UNITED STATES 470 Section 5. Suspect Classification: Alienage 475 PLYLER v. DOE 476 Section 6. Other Classifications 480 1. Gender and Illegitimacy 481 CRAIG v. BOREN 481 UNITED STATES v. VIRGINIA 486 2. Disability, Age and Wealth 497 CLEBURNE v. CLEBURNE LIVING CENTER, INC. 497 3. Sexual Orientation 506 ROMER v. EVANS 507 Section 7. Fundamental Rights 516 REYNOLDS v. SIMS 517 M.L.B. v. S.L.J. 522 Chapter 8. Freedom of Speech 529 Section 1. Introduction 529 UNITED STATES v. STEVENS 530 Section 2. Advocacy of Imminent Lawless Action 535 BRANDENBURG v. OHIO 535 Section 3. Fighting Words and Hostile Audiences 537 COHEN v. CALIFORNIA 538 Section 4. Injury to Reputation and Sensibility 541 1. Libel 541 NEW YORK TIMES CO. v. SULLIVAN 542 2. Tortious Speech 548 SNYDER v. PHELPS 549 3. Hate Speech 557 VIRGINIA v. BLACK 557 Section 5. Obscenity 564 MILLER v. CALIFORNIA 565 GINSBERG v. NEW YORK 569 Section 6. Commercial Speech 574 44 LIQUORMART, INC. v. RHODE ISLAND 575 Section 7. Different Standards of Review for Content-Based and Content-Neutral Regulations 584 UNITED STATES v. O’BRIEN 585 TEXAS v. JOHNSON 591 MATAL v. TAM 598 IANCU v. BRUNETTI 603 Section 8. Regulation of Political Contribution, Expenditure, and Activity 607 CITIZENS UNITED v. FEDERAL ELECTION COMMISSION 607 Chapter 9. Freedom of Association and Press 617 Section 1. Freedom of Association 617 NAACP v. ALABAMA 617 Section 2. Freedom of Press 621 NEW YORK TIMES CO. v. UNITED STATES 622 BRANZBURG v. HAYES 630 Chapter 10. Freedom of Religion 637 Section 1. The Establishment Clause 637 EDWARDS v. AGUILLARD 638 ZELMAN v. SIMMONS-HARRIS 644 Section 2. The Free Exercise of Religion 654 CHURCH OF THE LUKUMI BABALU AYE v. CITY OF HIALEAH 655 EMPLOYMENT DIVISION, DEPT. OF HUMAN RESOURCES v. SMITH 660 Appendix 669 The Constitution of the United States 669


書名 / 美國憲法: 基本原則與案例
作者 / 姚思遠 范秀羽 李劍非
簡介 / 美國憲法: 基本原則與案例:本書特色「美國憲法/基本原則與案例」一書之編纂,係為提供基礎英美法教學與學習之用,內容包括「聯邦司法權」(FederalJudicialPower)、「聯
出版社 / 新學林出版股份有限公司
ISBN13 / 9789865261252
ISBN10 / 9865261251
EAN / 9789865261252
誠品26碼 / 2682079822004
頁數 / 700
開數 / 16K
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 1:中文 繁體
尺寸 / 26X19CM
級別 / N:無


最佳賣點 : 「美國憲法/基本原則與案例」一書之編纂,係為提供基礎英美法教學與學習之用,各章節內容主要分為兩大部分,即相關基本原則摘要及重要案例選錄。
