Hello Grief: I'll Be Right with You | 誠品線上

Hello Grief: I'll Be Right with You

作者 Alessandra Olanow
出版社 Harper Design
商品描述 Hello Grief: I'll Be Right with You:遭逢母親癌症去世,暢銷書"IUsedtoHaveaPlan"作者AlessandraOlanow被她每天所感受到的喪親之慟與對未來的不確定感給壓倒了--但凡遭


內容簡介 遭逢母親癌症去世,暢銷書《I Used to Have a Plan》作者Alessandra Olanow被她每天所感受到的喪親之慟與對未來的不確定感給壓倒了--但凡遭受各種失去與損傷而深受打擊的低潮之人,都必須以自己獨特的方式、去親身體嘗並經歷如潮起潮落般不斷起伏的情緒;且看她如何面對這注定難以止住的悲傷,逐漸找到與悲傷共存、隨流前進的方式與方向...The author of the bestselling I Used to Have a Plan is back with more balm for the soul, offering advice, inspiration, and solace for everyone who has lost something or someone special.After losing her mother to cancer, Alessandra Olanow was overwhelmed by the sadness and uncertainty she felt each day—the shifting tide of emotions that everyone who has suffered loss experiences in their own unique way.In this wise and intimate book, the artist and writer draws insights from her personal loss and also her training as an end-of-life doula to explore the complex, heart-rending process of grief. Olanow chronicles her journey through pain and how she learned to bear a sorrow that will never leave her. In spare but incisive writing and more than 75 full-color drawings, she shares her own struggle with feelings of loss and longing and shows that with time, grief evolves—you grow, and your relationship with the pain changes—even though it never truly ends. Sometimes it’s overwhelming; sometimes it’s a familiar, even comforting, blanket; and sometimes it brings gratitude, reminding you how much you loved, or were loved.Hello Grief can be read straight through from cover to cover or can be opened to any page: each spread delivers a warm combination of advice, solace, empathy, and a glint of humor that is direct, helpful, comforting, and profound in its truth. Olanow has distilled the experience of grief and the process of healing into a soothing book that will bring comfort to anyone in mourning.【迷誠品編輯推薦】標題|不用急著好起來也沒關係,繪本《Hello Grief》允許自己與悲傷共存撰文|迷誠品內容中心如果人生是數學,那或許是永遠除不盡的悲傷所積累而成,小小的、你可能毫無知覺,直到它一點一滴形成龐大的形體,才驚覺它的存在。其實它的到來一點也不忽然,打從出生就存在於自己的體內,就像器官一般,與自己共存。多數時被我們忽略、又或是像是為了脫離「悲傷」這個情緒循環,被自己草草掩埋,讓心靈逐漸變得軟弱,與它再相遇時毫無防備。☞點此進入迷誠品閱讀文章


作者介紹 Alessandra OlanowAlessandra Olanow is an illustrator whose clients include major brands such as Bergdorf Goodman, Clinique, Yahoo, Urban Outfitters, West Elm, and Uniqlo, as well as major print and online publications including the Wall Street Journal, Oprah Magazine, Vogue, Goop, Cherry Bombe, A Cup of Jo, Variety, Shape Magazine, Parents magazine, Rachael Ray magazine, and Bon Appétit. She lives in Brooklyn, New York, with her daughter Coco. This is her first book.


書名 / Hello Grief: I'll Be Right with You
作者 / Alessandra Olanow
簡介 / Hello Grief: I'll Be Right with You:遭逢母親癌症去世,暢銷書"IUsedtoHaveaPlan"作者AlessandraOlanow被她每天所感受到的喪親之慟與對未來的不確定感給壓倒了--但凡遭
出版社 / Harper Design
ISBN13 / 9780063228221
ISBN10 / 006322822X
EAN / 9780063228221
誠品26碼 / 2682241452008
頁數 / 128
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 18.1X14X0CM
級別 / N:無


最佳賣點 : 超級暢銷圖文小書