內容簡介 文字和圖畫之間有什麼未說的弦外之音?故事是怎麼發展的?最剛開始的草圖和最後出現在讀者面前、印刷出來的圖畫書,中間經歷多少轉折呢?12位世界當代最傑出的繪本畫家,不藏私地分享繪畫創作經驗、面臨的挑戰、懷疑。書中收錄畫家的速描、插畫,讓好奇的讀者一窺畫家無價的創作歷程,與畫家無窮的潛力。每個幕後故事,透露了觸動人心的繪本背後皆是耗時、絞盡腦汁的努力,對於繪本愛好者,這無疑是一本鼓舞人心的繪本知識書。 作者Sam McCullen,英國插畫家、作家和設計師,就讀劍橋藝術學院,畢業後從事插畫與出版工作。他是繪本交流平台dPICTUS的發起人之一,提供繪畫新秀、經紀、與出版社交流的機會,攜手讓好的作品呈現在讀者面前。 12位畫家: Jon Klassen 雍.卡拉森Kitty Crowther 凱蒂•克羅瑟Beatrice Alemagna 碧翠絲.阿雷馬娜Shaun Tan 陳志勇Eva LindströmBlexbolexChris HaughtonSuzy Lee 蘇西.李 Bernardo P. Carvalho 貝納多・卡瓦赫 Isol 伊索爾Manuel Marsol 馬努葉爾・馬爾索Johanna Schaible.What exists in the space between the words and the pictures? How do the stories unfold? What happens between the first sketch and finished picturebook? Twelve of the world’s finest contemporary picturebook makers generously share their experiences, challenges, doubts, sketches, illustrations, and invaluable insights into their creation process. They reveal the complex and time-consuming work that happens behind the scenes, in service of their stories and their readers. An inspiring collection of picturebook knowledge for anyone interested in this unique and dynamic art form. The editor of the book is Sam McCullen, who runs the Picturebook Makers blog and the picturebook platform dPICTUS. PICTUREBOOK MAKERS reveals the picturebook’s immense creative potential, and celebrates outstanding international picturebooks and their creators. Featuring Jon Klassen, Kitty Crowther, Beatrice Alemagna, Shaun Tan, Eva Lindström, Blexbolex, Chris Haughton, Suzy Lee, Bernardo P. Carvalho, Isol, Manuel Marsol, and Johanna Schaible.ContentsFeatured picturebook makers:Jon KlassenKitty CrowtherBeatrice AlemagnaShaun TanEva LindströmBlexbolexChris HaughtonSuzy LeeBernardo P. CarvalhoIsolManuel MarsolJohanna Schaible"
作者介紹 Sam McCullen is a British illustrator, author and designer. He studied at Cambridge School of Art, and since graduating has worked on a variety of illustration and publishing projects. He is the co-founder of dPICTUS, a curated platform where international picturebook publishers and agencies showcase outstanding projects, discover emerging talent, and make new publishing connections. Sam also runs the Picturebook Makers blog, where many the world’s finest picturebook makers talk about the creation of their books.