Numbers Don't Lie: 71 Stories to Help Us Understand the Modern World | 誠品線上

Numbers Don't Lie: 71 Stories to Help Us Understand the Modern World

作者 Vaclav Smil
商品描述 Numbers Don't Lie: 71 Stories to Help Us Understand the Modern World:【比爾蓋茲2021推薦書單】Anessentialguidetounderstandinghownumbersrevealthetruestateofourwo


內容簡介 比爾蓋茲2021推薦書單:理解世界的首選人物數字不會說謊:在這個充滿假訊息的世界,我們更需要數字來幫助我們找到事實! 「沒有比瓦茨拉夫·斯米爾(Vaclav Smil)更讓我期待的作家了。」—比爾·蓋茲 「他是統計分析大師,也是世上最重要的發展史思想家之一」一《衛報》 瓦茨拉夫·斯米爾(Vaclav Smil)帶我們踏上實況調查之旅,帶領我們,使用統計數據和啟發性的圖表來挑戰傳統思維。藉著社會和人口的數據,提供能量的燃料和食物的度量,到交通運輸對現代的影響—理解這些發明如何影響地球本身。 要了解世界,您需要的是趨勢線,而不是頭條新聞。 身為一名環境科學家、政策分析師和高生產力的作家,Vaclav Smil 的任務是讓事實變得重要。 在《數字不說謊》(暫譯),作者回答了以下問題:哪一個會對環境更糟—你的車,還是你的手機?世界上的乳牛有多重(這跟什麼有關係)?是什麼讓人們快樂?本書處處是引人入勝的訊息和令人難忘的案例: 揭發了疫苗接種下最好的投資回報,是全球供應鏈下節節攀升的雞肉消費趨勢。目前為止,為什麼電動汽車並不如我們預期? 種種迫切、重要的事實。結合了科學、歷史和智慧,作者將廣泛主題濃縮成精簡的章節,激發讀者重新質疑他們認為真實的事情。 "There is no author whose books I look forward to more than Vaclav Smil. "--Bill GatesAn essential guide to understanding how numbers reveal the true state of our world--exploring a wide range of topics including energy, the environment, technology, transportation, and food production.Vaclav Smil's mission is to make facts matter. An environmental scientist, policy analyst, and a hugely prolific author, he is Bill Gates' go-to guy for making sense of our world. In Numbers Don't Lie, Smil answers questions such as: What's worse for the environment--your car or your phone? How much do the world's cows weigh (and what does it matter)? And what makes people happy?From data about our societies and populations, through measures of the fuels and foods that energize them, to the impact of transportation and inventions of our modern world--and how all of this affects the planet itself--in Numbers Don't Lie, Vaclav Smil takes us on a fact-finding adventure, using surprising statistics and illuminating graphs to challenge conventional thinking.Packed with fascinating information and memorable examples, Numbers Don't Lie reveals how the US is leading a rising worldwide trend in chicken consumption, that vaccination yields the best return on investment, and why electric cars aren't as great as we think (yet). Urgent and essential, with a mix of science, history, and wit--all in bite-sized chapters on a broad range of topics--Numbers Don't Lie inspires readers to interrogate what they take to be true."


作者介紹 Vaclav Smil is Distinguished Professor Emeritus at the University of Manitoba. He is the author of over forty books on topics including energy, environmental and population change, food production and nutrition, technical innovation, risk asssessment, and public policy. He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada and a Member of the Order of Canada.


書名 / Numbers Don't Lie: 71 Stories to Help Us Understand the Modern World
作者 / Vaclav Smil
簡介 / Numbers Don't Lie: 71 Stories to Help Us Understand the Modern World:【比爾蓋茲2021推薦書單】Anessentialguidetounderstandinghownumbersrevealthetruestateofourwo
ISBN13 / 9780143136224
ISBN10 / 0143136224
EAN / 9780143136224
誠品26碼 / 2682054641002
頁數 / 368
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 20.8X14X2CM
級別 / N:無