40個教育提案: 把快樂帶回給香港學生 | 誠品線上

40個教育提案: 把快樂帶回給香港學生

作者 陳美齡
出版社 聯合出版有限公司
商品描述 40個教育提案: 把快樂帶回給香港學生:本書作者於2016年出版首本中文著作《50個教育法—我把三個兒子送進了史丹福》後,引來巨大回響,大半年間十次再版,並高踞當年香港暢


內容簡介 本書作者於2016年出版首本中文著作《50個教育法—我把三個兒子送進了史丹福》後,引來巨大回響,大半年間十次再版,並高踞當年香港暢銷書榜榜首。每次出席香港及內地的分享會,均被家長、教師包圍簇擁,請教如何面對孩子的學習疑難。她感同身受,開始研究香港的教育問題癥結所在,並寫成《40個教育提案—把快樂帶回給香港學生》(中/英文),希望作為禮物送給香港人,以回報生於斯長於斯的地方。本書的40個教育提案涵蓋學前教育、幼稚園、小學、中學、大專、老師及其他方面。前言探討思考教育的本質,從香港的教育歷史出發,指出殖民地時期教育理念的缺失,從而提出今天教育的精神,不再是留強汰弱,而是如何適應21世紀對人才的要求,如何提供更多的選擇,以如何發揮每個人的價值。因為有信念,亦有不同教育體系的經驗,因此令作者提出的40個教育改革,顯得一氣呵成,而非支離破碎。Hong Kong education and its issues have captured significant attention in recent years. Notable examples include the education reform, national education curriculum, liberal studies, STEM, Chinese history and cultures, TSA, and extra HK$5 billion for education. While we believe that every policy is initiated by a sound vision, the education policies have created immense pressure and discontent on students, teachers, and parents. What are the root causes - problems with execution? Insufficient support? Lack of resources? Something's wrong with our philosophy of education? In this book, Dr. Agnes Chan will give you 40 proposals to bring happiness back to education students.


作者介紹 ■作者簡介陳美齡生於香港,美國史丹福大學教育博士。除活躍於藝能界外,也以作家、聯合國國際兒童基金「亞洲大使」、日本癌症協會「微笑大使」及多所大學客席教授等身份出現,曾以日文及英文撰寫八十多本著作。她為女性的權益發聲,為兒童問題全世界奔走,為日本侵華歷史事件鳴不平;更長期致力文教推廣,宣揚世界和平,是日本外籍人士的重要意見領袖,其事蹟亦被《時代》等雜誌廣泛報導。Agnes Chan was born in Hong Kong and obtained her PhD in Education from Stanford University. Chan is not only a well-known performer; she is also an author, a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador, an ambassador for the Japanese Cancer Society, and a professor at multiple universities. Chan has published over eighty books in Japanese and English. She is an advocate of women's rights, helps children around the world through her voluntary work, and promotes world peace through culture and education. Chan is a key opinion leader in Japan and her views have been widely featured on Time and other world renowned magazines. Her first Chinese book, 50 education method: a mother who put her three sons into Stanford (2016) , was met with tremendous enthusiasm. It has been reprinted ten times within half a year and remains a best-seller in Hong Kong. Many parents and teachers have consulted Chan for education advice at her lectures in Hong Kong and Mainland China. Empathetic to their concerns, Chan started researching on the problems of Hong Kong education and its root cause. 40 Education Proposals: Bring Happiness Back to Hong Kong Students (in Chinese and English) is Chan’s tribute to her homeland and a gift to her fellow Hong Kong citizens. Chan offers exceptional insights into the issues of Hong Kong education. Her perceptive 40 reform proposals are valuable references for all stakeholders in education.


書名 / 40個教育提案: 把快樂帶回給香港學生
作者 / 陳美齡
簡介 / 40個教育提案: 把快樂帶回給香港學生:本書作者於2016年出版首本中文著作《50個教育法—我把三個兒子送進了史丹福》後,引來巨大回響,大半年間十次再版,並高踞當年香港暢
出版社 / 聯合出版有限公司
ISBN13 / 9789620441585
ISBN10 / 9620441583
EAN / 9789620441585
誠品26碼 / 2681509672004
頁數 / 183
開數 / 32K
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 94:中 英對照
級別 / N:無