讀李家同學英文 7: 小男孩的爸爸 | 誠品線上

讀李家同學英文 7: 小男孩的爸爸

作者 李家同
出版社 聯經出版事業股份有限公司
商品描述 讀李家同學英文 7: 小男孩的爸爸:透過李家同簡潔而寓意深遠的文章,領略用英文表達中文故事的妙趣本作為「讀李家同學英文」系列最後一集我在此給讀者一個建議:你不妨先看


內容簡介 透過李家同簡潔而寓意深遠的文章,領略用英文表達中文故事的妙趣本作為「讀李家同學英文」系列最後一集我在此給讀者一個建議:你不妨先看看中文文章,先不看英文的翻譯,然後試著將中文翻成英文,我相信你一定會覺得中翻英好困難。翻完以後,再去看英文翻譯,相信可以學到不少,也可以寫出越來越像外國人的句子。--李家同特別推薦小男孩的爸爸A Little Boy’s Dad有一天,我在研究室裡,忽然接到了林教授的電話,他說他在埔里的麥當勞遭遇到了大麻煩,叫我趕快去救他一命。我趕到了麥當勞,發現他在照顧一個小男孩吃冰淇淋。這個小孩黑黑的,大眼睛,可愛極了。林教授看到我以後,安撫了一下小男孩,叫他繼續一個人吃,然後走過來,輕輕地告訴我一個好滑稽的故事。One day while I was in the lab, I got an unexpected call from Professor Lin. He said he had run into big trouble at the McDonald’s in Puli and required my immediate assistance. I rushed over to McDonald’s, where I found him accompanied by a little boy eating an ice cream cone. With his dark skin and big eyes, the boy looked adorable. When he saw me, Professor Lin told the boy to relax and keep eating by himself. Then he walked over to me and, lowering his voice, recounted his amusing story.特別收錄由譯者郝凱揚自行撰寫中英對照的跋,譯者現身說法,以自身學外語的經驗,傳授學習外語的態度與方法,與李家同先生所秉持的「學好英文,沒有捷徑」,有著異曲同工之妙,並勉勵讀者一分耕耘,一分收穫。天下沒有不散的筵席;我們的《讀李家同學英文》系列終於圓滿結束了。除了享受李教授的精彩故事以外,我希望你的英文有所改善。這是我一生中參與過最大的工程,三年來的萬變之中,它一直都陪伴著我。由於我投入其中的許多心血,這七本書對我的意義十分重大。而我相信,只要你好好地研讀每一本,將每題小試身手都寫好,該背的句型都背熟,該記的單字都記牢,而該欣賞的妙趣都能領略,那麼不用怕沒有益處。所謂一分耕耘,一分收穫也。All good things must come to an end: our Read R.C.T. Lee, Learn English series has finally drawn to a close. Besides enjoying Professor Lee’s wonderful stories, I hope you have improved your English. This is the biggest project I have ever worked on; among all the changes of the past three years of my life, it has always been with me. Because of all the hard work I’ve put into these seven books, they are very meaningful to me. And I’m convinced that as long as you really study each book, doing all the practice translations, memorizing all the sentence patterns, remembering all the vocabulary, and (perhaps most importantly) savoring all the pleasures of learning, then there is no reason to doubt that you will benefit. As the proverb says, as you sow, so shall you reap.


作者介紹 ■作者簡介李家同民國28年生,台大電機系學士,美國加州柏克萊大學電機博士。歷任清華大學工學院院長、教務長以及代校長、靜宜大學校長、暨南大學校長。李教授曾獲得五次連續的國科會傑出研究獎,教育部工科學術獎、侯金堆傑出榮譽獎和旺宏電子講座教授,他是美國電機電子學會的榮譽會士,並且曾擔任過十一種國際學術刊物的編輯委員。李教授也是短篇小說作家。他的小說親切、自然、發人深省。《讓高牆倒下吧》、《陌生人》、《鐘聲又再響起》、《故事六十八》等書感動了無數人心。李教授關心英語教育,他所寫的《專門替中國人寫的英文基本文法》成為最新、最暢銷的英文文法書;他所企劃的《專門替中國人寫的英文課本》也成為英文學習者的第一選擇。他同時也投身基礎數學教育,他為中學生編寫實用的數學課本,期望透過詳細解說,讓學生更容易理解,邏輯思考更清晰。已出版《專門為中學生寫的數學課本》(四則運算及代數)。■譯者暨解析者簡介NICHOLAS B. HAWKINS (郝凱揚)美國史丹佛大學畢業,主修經濟,副修數學、中文。曾於2001年代表耶穌基督後期聖徒教會(俗稱摩爾門教)來台傳教兩年,就此愛上了台灣的人民和文化。大學畢業以後,以非傳教士的身分回台就讀台大國際華語研習所一年。曾拿過外國學生歌唱比賽冠軍,並於2008年4月騎腳踏車環島。目前在政大台灣史研究所攻讀碩士,是台史所第一個西方的學生。


產品目錄 〈考試 Test〉我的那位學生出了一個考題,顯然只有我通過了這場考試。 My student had come up with a test question, and apparently I was A the only one who passed. 〈大作家的夢想 The Great Author’s Dream〉最後一根火柴熄滅了以後,大作家知道他一生的夢想即將實現,因為他終於瞭解窮人在想些什麼:他們無非想要一些可以吃的東西、可以喝的水以及來自別人關懷。As the last match went out, the great author knew that his life’s dream was about to come true, for he finally understood the thoughts of the poor: all they really want is food to eat, water to drink, and someone to care about them. 〈苦工Hard Labor〉我心中暗自得意,覺得還是我們的小黑比較漂亮,尤其他笑的時候,黝黑的臉上露出一口白白的牙齒,有一種特別男孩子的魅力。 Our Darkie is the handsomer of the two, I thought with concealed pleasure, especially when he laughs, revealing a mouthful of white teeth offset by his swarthy face—he has a sort of young man’s special allure. 〈The Bell Is Tolling Again鐘聲又再響起〉事實上,我們都發現,只要我們關懷別人,天籟村的鐘聲就會響起。 In fact, both of us have discovered that as long as we care about others, the bell in Tianlai Village will continue to toll. 〈那青草覆地的墓園The Grass-Covered Graveyard〉我看到了世界上最美的墓園。而且我有一個奇特的想法,每次看到青青的草原,我就會想到我的祖先,他們一定也是葬在草地之下,不然葬在哪裡呢?I saw the world’s most beautiful graveyard. And now I have a strange tendency to think of my ancestors whenever I see a grassy field. They are undoubtedly buried there—where would they be otherwise? 〈小銀盒子The little silver box〉教宗知道我們的憂慮,他一再安慰我們,一切都會有美好結局的,至於什麼是美好的結局,他沒有講,我們也不懂。Knowing our concerns, he did his best to reassure us, emphasizing that there would be a happy ending to all of this. Exactly what he meant by a happy ending, he did not say, nor did we understand.


書名 / 讀李家同學英文 7: 小男孩的爸爸
作者 / 李家同
簡介 / 讀李家同學英文 7: 小男孩的爸爸:透過李家同簡潔而寓意深遠的文章,領略用英文表達中文故事的妙趣本作為「讀李家同學英文」系列最後一集我在此給讀者一個建議:你不妨先看
出版社 / 聯經出版事業股份有限公司
ISBN13 / 9789570834338
ISBN10 / 9570834331
EAN / 9789570834338
誠品26碼 / 2680431770000
頁數 / 208
開數 / 25K
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 94:中 英對照
級別 / N:無
提供維修 /
