Snow Crash | 誠品線上

Snow Crash

作者 尼爾.史蒂文森
出版社 Penguin Random House LLC
商品描述 Snow Crash:尼爾.史蒂文森《潰雪》全新豪華精裝版Nowinagorgeousnewhardcovereditionfeaturingnever-before-seenmaterial,the“brilliantlyrealized”(TheNewYorkTimesBo


內容簡介 尼爾.史蒂文森《潰雪》全新豪華精裝版 世界上最偉大的駭客在落魄中,機靈的十五歲滑板快遞拯救了他,從此搭檔的二人,捲入幽暗的險惡事端。伊拉克南邊小城埃利都挖掘出的蘇美古物,暗藏某種讓美國聯邦暗地裡與宗教團體勾結的神秘力量。「魅他域」與現實世界的刀光劍影,潛伏著毀滅世界的危機。「潰雪」的出現,暗示著所有瑣碎的線索,將一步步拼湊起一幅完整的陰謀拼圖,迫使駭客與智勇快遞、黑手黨首領、越南軍事專家、香港企業家,不得不開始追查真相,最後展開空前合作,阻止一場屠殺人類心智的腥風血雨。這是一本橫跨現實與虛擬、蘇美古文明與電腦時代的超激鉅作。作者詭譎複雜的佈局,令人拍案叫絕;透過叛逆、刁鑽的兩個主角,整本小說充滿囂張的活力和痛快的節奏。作者用犀利筆調,諷刺而幽默地描繪出郊區中產心態、軟體工程師文化、僵化官僚、各類型偏見,淋漓快感自始至終貫穿全書,讓人欲罷不能一路奔讀到底,以求一探究竟。網路虛擬科幻代表作家尼爾.史蒂芬森預示明日危機力作「潰雪」,橫跨了神話、宗教、歷史、文明、神經學、語言學、和電腦世界的界域,將一切元素包含進故事的發展與敘述中,企圖解開人類自遠古至今,真實世界與虛擬世界兩個世界的創世秘密。經由作者縝密的思考與描述,這浩大工程,沒有遺漏或輕忽任一環節,不但故事說來令人信服,同時也展現作者對歷史的鍾情與深刻研究,在在成為他成就一個偉大故事的動力。Now in a gorgeous new hardcover edition featuring never-before-seen material, the “brilliantly realized” (The New York Times Book Review) breakthrough novel from visionary author Neal Stephenson, a modern classic that predicted the metaverse and inspired generations of Silicon Valley innovatorsHiro lives in a Los Angeles where franchises line the freeway as far as the eye can see. The only relief from the sea of logos is within the autonomous city-states, where law-abiding citizens don’t dare leave their mansions.Hiro delivers pizza to the mansions for a living, defending his pies from marauders when necessary with a matched set of samurai swords. His home is a shared 20 X 30 U-Stor-It. He spends most of his time goggled in to the Metaverse, where his avatar is legendary.But in the club known as The Black Sun, his fellow hackers are being felled by a weird new drug called Snow Crash that reduces them to nothing more than a jittering cloud of bad digital karma (and IRL, a vegetative state).Investigating the Infocalypse leads Hiro all the way back to the beginning of language itself, with roots in an ancient Sumerian priesthood. He’ll be joined by Y.T., a fearless teenaged skateboard courier. Together, they must race to stop a shadowy virtual villain hell-bent on world domination."


作者介紹 Neal StephensonNeal Stephenson is the author of New York Times bestsellers including The Diamond Age, Zodiac, Cryptonomicon, Quicksilver, The Confusion, The System of the World, REAMDE, Anathem, Seveneves, Fall: or Dodge in Hell, and Termination Shock, as well as nonfiction works such as In The Beginning . . . Was the Command Line. He has worked for Blue Origin and Magic Leap, and more recently co-founded Lamina1, a startup creating an open metaverse platform.


書名 / Snow Crash
作者 / 尼爾.史蒂文森
簡介 / Snow Crash:尼爾.史蒂文森《潰雪》全新豪華精裝版Nowinagorgeousnewhardcovereditionfeaturingnever-before-seenmaterial,the“brilliantlyrealized”(TheNewYorkTimesBo
出版社 / Penguin Random House LLC
ISBN13 / 9780593599730
ISBN10 / 059359973X
EAN / 9780593599730
誠品26碼 / 2682217437008
頁數 / 576
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 23.5X15.6X2.1CM
級別 / N:無


最佳賣點 : First arriving on the scene in 1992 to critical acclaim, this definitive novel of the information age weaves virtual reality, Sumerian myth, and just about everything in between. Stephenson is author of the bestselling "Cryptonomicon" and "The Diamond Age".
